Remember To Treat Yourself

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” This proverb always conjures up memories of Jack Torrance, played by Jack Nicholson, in Stanley Kubrick’s version of The Shining, written by one of my favorite authors, Stephen King. If you’re unfamiliar with the story, Jack moves his family to Colorado to live at The… Continue reading Remember To Treat Yourself

Remember the Basics

This might be blasphemy for some people, but I am not a coffee drinker. I do enjoy coffee as a rare treat, but for me, it is definitely not a daily ritual like many of my colleagues, friends, and family. Now, tea is a whole different story! Tea is a ritual I love to indulge… Continue reading Remember the Basics

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What Is The Business Epiphany Which Drives My Passion?

The Oxford Dictionary defines an “epiphany” as a moment of sudden revelation or insight. So, what is this business epiphany which drives my passion? I feel EVERYONE should have a business or a side hustle in their life. I’m a serial side hustler! (In fact, I listen to several side-hustle podcasts). My grandmother taught me… Continue reading What Is The Business Epiphany Which Drives My Passion?

What Are the 5 Rings of Starting A New Business?

NOTE: This post was originally written during the Christmas Season, but the content is meant to be evergreen.🎄 This post is lengthy, but I hope you enjoy it because I wrote it specifically for YOU. “On the 5th Christmas, my true love gave to me, 5 golden rings!” Considering I’m writing this on the 5th… Continue reading What Are the 5 Rings of Starting A New Business?

What Website Hosting Should I Choose?

There are so many choices among companies with great options. Who should I choose as my website hosting provider? First off, why do I need hosting in the first place? Here’s the reason why I hope you choose, Frank & Alan Web Hosting. Get started with Step 1! Join My Monthly Newsletter.

Categorized as Blog, Website