Do I Need A Website?

Illustration of Website Under Construction.

So, you’ve been dreaming of starting your business for many years, or maybe you had a flash of inspiration and created a solution to a problem that people would happily pay for.

The next question is, do I need a website to market my business? What do I need to get started?

Some people will say, why should you develop a website when you have social media which you can use for free.

There’s been a huge trend utilizing social media to market businesses directly to their customers. In fact, using Instagram and TikTok are great ways to find new customers who are looking for YOU to solve a problem they may not have known they had.

You can also start a YouTube channel so you can market videos directly to your potential customers and tell them all about your product.

I’ve noticed a resurgence in using Twitter for marketing. In fact, I personally use Twitter and Instagram messaging to directly reach out to customer service departments for the businesses I work with.

If you’re like me, when I find a product or service I’m interested in purchasing, I go to my favorite search engine and type in the name of the product or service, along with the company name to see what I can find.

This may be an unconscious bias, but essentially I’m looking for the company’s website so I can find out more about the product and service I’m interested in buying. If I don’t find the company website online, then I start to wonder if the company is legitimate.

Also, with so many scammers out there, I would feel most comfortable making the purchase directly from the company’s official website, rather than from a website I’m not familiar with.

This brings me back to the original question… If I’m starting a new business, should I have a website in place?

As the business owner, it’s up to you to decide what you think is best!

Consider this though. What if you could have a high-quality presence on the Web for about $10 a month including personalized email addresses that you can use instead of a free email service?

Instead of using an email address from Google, Yahoo, Bing, Protonmail, AOL, or another “free” email service, you can have a personalized work email address that corresponds to the domain name of your company.

If and when you decide to utilize social media to promote your company, you can have all those links directly on your website to make it convenient for your customers to find you.

Over the years I have learned that the greatest investment I can make in my new business is a high-quality domain name, a website, and company e-mail addresses. Even if this was just an experiment to see if my product or service has real demand in the marketplace, the website was always worth the price, because I can see if my new idea can gain traction in the real world.

As a lifelong entrepreneur, my biggest goal is to assist new and existing entrepreneurs to get their businesses off the ground. I created low-cost solutions so you can have an online web presence just like the big guys. I’ve even created merchant solutions so your website can easily accept payments from your customers for products, services, and monthly subscriptions.

After reading this, you know my opinion about the usefulness, viability, and advantage of a website, but ultimately it’s up to you to take the next step.

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