Remember the Basics

Children’s Wooden Building Blocks – Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash

This might be blasphemy for some people, but I am not a coffee drinker. I do enjoy coffee as a rare treat, but for me, it is definitely not a daily ritual like many of my colleagues, friends, and family.

Now, tea is a whole different story! Tea is a ritual I love to indulge in. I love it hot or cold. Sweet, spicy, bitter, fruity, herbal, and medicinal. I enjoy them all.

This week I wanted to be nice and make a pot of coffee for my neighbor. I scooped the whole coffee beans into the coffee grinder and made sure they were the perfect consistency. I placed a coffee filter in the coffee maker, then carefully poured the ground coffee beans from the grinder into the coffee filter. I hit the power button to start the coffee maker and returned to my laptop while the coffee brewed.

After 10 minutes when I expected the aroma of coffee to fill the kitchen, I smelt nothing but the blackberry preserves slathered on my gluten-free toast.

I looked at the coffee pot. It was indeed empty. I checked the coffee maker to make sure the cord was plugged in. It was connected to the electrical socket as it should be. Was there power? Yes! I lifted the lid to check on the coffee grounds. They were still there as dry as when I poured them into the filter.

Then it dawned on me… I never added water to the coffee maker!

I quickly corrected my omission of that necessary ingredient and added the appropriate amount of water to the coffee maker. I gently tapped the power button again, and within minutes the anticipated aroma of brewed coffee filled the morning air and cleared away my brain fog.

I chuckled to myself at such a silly mistake. I started to ponder. Where else in my life was I moving too quickly and forgetting the basic steps and foundational building blocks in my daily life?

Sometimes, I can skate by and skip a few of the steps, but if I ignore the essential ingredients and procedures, then I shouldn’t be surprised when my results are subpar.

What was my lesson? Remember the basics!

Take care of yourself! Whether you love tea or coffee, treat yourself to your favorite beverage this week. And remember the basics, water!

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