What Will You Create In The New Year?

Scrabble Blocks Spelling Happy New Year! – Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Happy 2022!

The New Year is here! What are you going to create for yourself and your family?

I am not into setting new years resolutions in the traditional sense, but I am a believer in writing down my intentions for the upcoming year. Some people might say these are the same thing, but for me, there is a subtle difference.

Maybe it’s just a cultural phenomenon, but countless people make these near impossible “resolutions” on January 1st, only to have given up on them, or broken them, over the next few weeks and months.

This can be witnessed year after year in the fitness industry. Many of us, myself included, want to be more fit over the coming year, but it’s easier to slack off than put in the consistent effort needed to achieve results. The gyms are packed in January, but those same gyms have much more room in March and April as people relax their fitness commitments, and they fall back into previous routines.

For me, an intention is a vision of where, or who I want to be at a certain time, be it 6 months, 12 months 5 years, or 10 years from now. I then take this gigantic intention and break it into bite-sized pieces.

One of my intentions for 2022 is to “release” 25 pounds. Why do I want to release 25 pounds instead of “lose” 25 pounds? One thing I’ve learned about human nature is that humans are very good at finding things we have lost. I don’t want to FIND these pounds again… I’m happy to let them go and I will RELEASE them forever.

So, what is my plan for being 25 pounds lighter in 12 months? First off, I’m realistic about how I gained weight. It happened slowly over time. I’m content with releasing a few pounds every month, but how many pounds exactly?

With my time frame being one year, and since there are 52 weeks in a year, 25 pounds / 52 weeks = 0.48 pounds per week. Instead of focusing on 25 pounds for the year, my focus is half a pound per week. That seems a lot more reasonable and actionable to my brain.

I love to eat, in fact, I have another website dedicated to food and drinks! My fitness trainer told me weight management is simple math. If you want to gain weight, then consume more calories than you expend. If you want to release weight, then expend more calories than you consume.

I don’t plan to give up my favorite foods, but I will be more conscientious of serving portions. What will I do to expend more calories? I plan to incorporate daily walks into my weekly routine.

Bruce Lee said, “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times”?

In the same vein, instead of running several marathons this year, I plan to put my Fitbit to work and clock in at least 10,000 steps per day. My focus is the daily activity, instead of huge hikes over the weekend. I still want to incorporate the big hikes, but there’s huge power in small consistent work, over a long period of time.

Another one of my intentions is to write every day. It’s been fun incorporating the writing and walking into the same activity. This has been a huge eye-opener for me. I’ve been doing more and more writing from my mobile phone instead of limiting my mobility by sitting in front of my laptop. The mobile phone has literally freed me from my desk.

I’m guessing you didn’t visit this blog post to learn about MY daily intentions, but I hope YOU can use my examples to set some amazing intentions for yourself.

Honestly, it all starts with your decision to create something new for yourself. Discover your WHY! What is the reason you want to divert your time, energy, and money to this new activity? When you discover your WHY, I’m excited to see what you will create!

Remember, even though what you want to accomplish might seem gigantic, break it into bite-size pieces. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

Remember, it’s more important to get started NOW, than to wait for the perfect conditions to begin.

If your intention is starting a new business or expanding your existing business, I hope I can be of service to you.

Cheers to an AMAZING year!

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