Make A Payment 💳

Closeup image of a businesswoman holding a credit card while using a laptop computer.

If you run your business’s online division, it’s essential that you can accept safe and secure payments online. Here is a working example of how I take payments for services I have provided.

CLICK HERE to access my HPP using this payment link.

The link above takes you to a “hosted payment page,” also called an “HPP” which I created through Clover Payments. Clover allows you to create a hosted page (on their encrypted servers) where clients can safely enter their credit card information. Once the transaction is processed, the payment is routed to your bank account.

With Clover Payments, you can create a variety of hosted payment pages. You can make a hosted page with a specific dollar amount for an item; for example, $250 for a Coaching Session or $120 for Website Hosting.

With this HPP Link, I opted to keep the payment amount open-ended, allowing my customers to enter the transaction amount they will be paying using the HPP. This feature is excellent for non-profits who are collecting donations.

When setting up your hosted payment page, you can also set up your receipt format, which will be sent to your customers after they make a payment.

I keep the transaction amount “open-ended” because some people like to test the hosted payment page with a small dollar amount to see how quickly it works. Feel free to test it with $1. I promise to use your funds wisely! 🤓

If your customer enters an email address with their credit card payment, they usually receive a payment receipt in their email inbox within moments after clicking PAY.

This is also the same payment link I sent to clients to make payments for website design services, web hosting, and consulting services. Utilizing this one payment link keeps things simple for me.

With Clover Payments, you also have the option to send detailed invoices using text, email, and even using a QR code. Creating an invoice is quick and convenient. Of course, there are other payment solutions besides Clover, but I wanted to share an actual use case utilizing the Clover-hosted payment page feature, which many people may not know exists.

Thank you for your payment & donation to my coffee fund!💰💵☕

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